Nic and Matt return for one of the most explosive weeks in the history of the podcast. In this episode:
- How Nic ended up at war with the Dogecoin fans
- CIV closes a $50m fund
- Tom Brady wins the Super Bowl
- Should responsible CFOs own Bitcoin on their corporate balance sheets?
- Bitcoin on the balance sheet as a signaling mechanism
- BNY Mellon announces support for Bitcoin
- The St Louis Fed is writing articles about DeFi
- Nic orangepills Central Bankers
- Our guesses for the first central banks to adopt Bitcoin
- Nigeria contemplates a Bitcoin ban
- Mastercard is supporting cryptocurrency on their networks – what does this mean?
- The Bitcoin energy debate
- Can you compare Bitcoin to Visa?
- Are Christmas lights wasteful
Content mentioned in this episode:
- Nic in Coindesk, What Bloomberg Gets Wrong About Bitcoin’s Climate Footprint
- St Louis Fed, DeFi coverage
- Nic on Bloomberg, Bitcoin’s Impact on the Environment